Friday, September 16, 2005


As I said I was stopped by Nakagana as I ran down the sidewalk from Shishimi's mother, he brought me inside his house, past Hokori and Hakana as they hung on the fence and lay on the sidewalk, and I collapsed inside the coolness of the air conditioned entryway. When I woke up I was laying on my couch with my mother and father standing by my side with looks of concern on their faces, along with another adult I did not recognize. He was wearing a dark suit and had a small notebook in his hands, he also had a pen. As I opened my eyes further I was able to take in the entire room and saw three other adults, all of them wearing blue uniforms, and guns on their hips. They also had small badges on their left breast of their shirts, all of them gold. I knew that I was in trouble then as I could tell that they were cops. I was not happy in the least bit, nor were my parents.

"Are you awake son?", asked the man in the dark suit. I looked at him and blinked, it hurt to do that, God it hurt so bad. I nodded my head up and down, boulders moved around inside my head and I swear to God it bruised the inside of my skull. He continued on.

"My name is Hanzo, I am the Lieutnant of these fine police officers", he gestured with his hand, " and we need to ask you a few questions. Do you mind?" He held his notebook towards me and I again moved my head to answer, this time it was a slow, small shake of the head left and right. More boulders moved around the inside of my head making it hurt more and more.

"Great, can you start by telling me your name?"

With a great amount of effort and strength I told him, "Yojiro."

"How old are you Yojiro?"

"I am twelve years old."

"Where do you live?"

At this point I was a little annoyed, I hurt all over, my head was throbbing, the boulders were moving around all over very fast and hard. I wanted him to stop talking so I answered himt he onoly way that I could answer him at that moment. I opened my mouth and said, "Where did you drive to?"

The response was immediate, my mother made a gasping noise, my father shot his hand out and struck me against the back of my head. Now I don't know if it was the fact that I was just insubordinate to their Lieutnant or if they didn't care about me, but the police officers did not make a move when my father struck me. Explosive hurt filled my head, my eyes teared up, and I was close to fainting from the pain.

Hanzo just looked at me and smiled, he continued with his questioning and asked me all of the pertnant items, such as place that I live, year that I was speaking in, mother and father's name, any sisters or brothers that I may have had, any pets. Then the questions took on a whole new direction when Hanzo threw in the mix this question: "Do you make it a habit of sneaking around the bushes and hurting people for no reason?"

I stopped my flow of answers at this point and just looked at him, disbelieveing what he had just asked of me. Did he not know what really happened and was he just asking me this to see what I would say? Was he testing me, or did he really not know? My head hurt from all of the boulders rolling around the inside of my skull, I swear that I endured fifteen concussions just from thinking. I opened my mouth and said what seemed to be the best response I could, my mouth moved and my voice spoke without my control, evidenced by "What do you think?"

My father slapped the back of my head again, fresh pain exploded behind my throbbing eyes. I turned and looked at him, tears of pain and frustration leaking out of the corners of my eyes. I glared at him, stood there staring at him, trying to figure out why he wanted to cause me more pain than I was already standing. Did he not love me? What did I do wrong in protecting Shishimi? Why was everyone blaming me for what happened to her? Why was I being treated like the criminal here?

Hanzo was obviously not happy with what I had just said to him, his face flashed red and his brow wrinkled in fierce concentration. He was trying to intimidate me and it was not working, I just didn't care at that point. My head hurt too much for me to even care about the tears streaming down my face and falling off the edge of my jawline. All I wanted to do was sleep, lay my head on the pillow (which I know would hurt once I did it), and just close my eyes and let sweet dreams come to me. He picked up hi pencil and wrote down an answer, judging by the quickness of the writing he wrote down the word "No" and then continued with his pointless questioning. What did the attackers look like? Why didn't I defend myself when they were beating me up? In the immortal words of Yul Brenner, "Et ctetera et cetrea et cetera..." My ears pricked up when he asked, in his condecending voice, "When did you feel it was safe to hurt the others?"

Once again my voice acted of its volition and said to Hanzo's arrogant smirk/smile, "When they decided to wave their pricks in the air." One more slap from my father, more blinidng pain, more tears, this time my head was split in two from the scream of rage that left my mouth as I turned to my dad's shocked face and wide open eyes. The next thing that happened to me was I was being held down on the living room rug, my face turned off to the side so I could breathe, my arms being held behind my back. I was being contained in the classic police hold that you see so many robbers being held in on those cop shows on tv.

"Let go of me you fucking asswipes, get your fucking hands off of me. Dickheads! Batards! Pricks!" I was completley enraged, with each scream I thought for sure my eyeballs would explode. I was thrashing around as much as I could, surprisingly I threw two of the cops off of me, they went rolling into the coffee table and sent the contents on the floor. The table itself was turned over from them colliding with it. I stopped moving when one of the cops hit me in the back with their baton, my legs went numb, they felt like ice was being poured through the veins. I immediately stopped thrashing around and let them land one more blow before they picked me up and sat me back down.

Hanzo looked me right in the eyes with his obnoxious little bastard's face and wanted to know why I was such a violent person and when did I start having these tendencies. Again my mouth was moving before I could stop it, and I told him that I was only having these violent thoughts since my dad started hitting me and I had to sit and look at his ugly dog-fucking face. Maybe not the best choice of words, but they were exactly how I was feeling at the moment. I was expecting another slap from my dad, instead what I got was nothing. Stunned silence greeting the room, the hands holding me down let go. Finally, they realized what I had been saying all along, let me go. I don't think that was exactly what they wanted to do.

I jumped up from my chair, my body moving on pure adrenaline and instinct at this moment (however I have no idea, even to this day were my body learned this particular instinct) and slammed the chair over Hanzo's head. The chair broke into pieces and lay on the floor around our feet, I bent over and scooped a leg into my hand. I stood up and hit one of the approaching cops in the chin with it, sending him off of his feet and landing on top of the table, breaking it on the floor. I had grabbed another piece of wood from the chair in my other hand as he was falling down and hit the other cop in the knees as I was kneeling down out of the way of his baton. He hit the floor in a scream as I shattered his kneecap.

I stood up holding both pieces of wood in my hands waiting for the next move from anyone in the room. Fate being the funny beast that it is had a crazy plan for me that night as my father was the one that made the next approach to me. He made three steps towards me with his fists raised and his mouth open and screaming. The wood in my right fist had slammed into his mouth spreading his lips back into his mouth and knocking loose three teeth. He stood there swaying on his feet, looking like he was about to topple over. I spun around on the heels of my feet and felt the wood in my left hand connect with his temple. I watched him fall into a heap of an unconcious body. I heard my mother screaming and turned towards her, she was clawing at her face leaving red lines down her cheeks as her nails dug into her skin.

I dropped the pieces of wood and ran out of the door leaving my mother's screams behind me. I heard the screen door slam as I ran down the street towards Shishimi's house, having no idea where I was going or what I was going to do. The night air rushing past my face as I ran down the street cooled down my face, the blood was drying on my eyelashes and face, turning hard and crusty. I heard sirens in the background, I was not sure if they were going to my house or not, I never looked back I just kept running down the street into God only knew what was waiting for me. To this day I have never been back to that particular house and I have no desire to go back, ever.


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