Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Every story has a beginning and mine is pretty simple and boring. I was born to a simple, hard working family in a suburb of a major city. I was the youngest of four, I had one brother and two sisters. My mother and father were loving parents, never did anything to abuse us, never did anything harmful or hurtful. They were alwasy ready with their arms out for a hug and mother was always ready to give us a kiss. If we got hurt she was there with a plate of cookies and a bandage for us. If it was a hurt that could not be mended with a bandage she was there with the soothing and kind words that made us feel like we were the most important person on the face of the Earth. Father was also there to give us support and affection, he was not the hard skinned grumpy man that most people associate a father of that generation to be. For that I am truly grateful. I think that I take after my father more, now that I am older I can look back on my life and really see that I do. I would have thrown a punch or a kick at the first person that ever suggested such a thing as I was grwoing up. It's funny how things change as you get older isn't it? I remember once when I was little I used to think that thirty was old, now I laugh at that simple idea. I used to think that it would be so hard to drive a car, now I wonder how I ever got around without one. I used to believe that love was something I would never know about nor care about, now it is all that I live for. I used to be so silly to think that I would never be like my parents (or father in particular), now I wonder why I spent so much energy trying to avoid ever becoming such a wonderful person. I am not trying to sound arrogant when I say that, I know that I am not perfect nor is anyone, but I know that I resemble my father and he is one of the most remarkable men that I have ever known. That is why I am able to say that I myself am a wonderful person. Not that I don't resemble my mother, she is amazingly patient and kind and loving and funny, and her attitude towards life is something that I have inherited. She has the best outlook on life and she is so loving and kind, I only hope that sometime in my life I have someone remeber me with half as much love and pride as I remember my mother. I could only be so lucky......

I seemed to have drifted once again, I was telling you about the beginnings of my life. Like I said it is nothing too exciting. But I will try to set it to words that will seem like I am telling you something good, maybe something that you could learn something off of. I was an overweight child, genetics and laziness had a lot to do with that. I would spend my day eating junk food and sitting in front of the television and play video games. When I went to school I was considered "the fat kid", meaning that I was not able to find one other fat kid around me that everyone else would pick on instead of me. With all of that teasing and bullying I became an even more withdrawn child, I would look at my feet a large amount of the day, never looking in anyone else's eyes. I never wanted to see the look of pity that I would get from teachers and adults, and I never wanted to see the look of disgust that I would see from the other kids (especially the girls). In all of the teasings that made up my childhood the one person out of all of it I owe a big thanks to is a kid that we will call Hakana.

Hakana was an unfortunate child living in a house of broken parents, broken hearts, and broken bones. His face did not look classically handsome, nor even attractive in any way. He had a bottom lip that stuck out past the top lip, he had sunken eyes, a large brow that looked like a caveman's and he had two eyebrows that grew into one. He had long gangly arms, stick like legs, and big floppy feet. In other words he looked like a walking monkey, yet he was able to make me feel bad about myself. Let me rephrase that, I allowed him to make me feel bad about myself. Every day he would say hurtful, mean things that would ake me cry. I tried to ignore him yet I was never able to get awy from him. His voice would echo nside of my head over and over again, making me feel even more down about myself than I already was. I learned how to hate the sound of a voice. For three years he tormented me until one day I snapped, and the world was not ready for it.

I spent three years in hell being told over and over again that I was a "pile of shit" that I "looked like a giant turd" and that I was nothing but a "fat pussy". Just a few of the everyday things that were told to me, yet enough to make me feel bad. I would be humilated every day from Hakana, he was merciless and wrong for a few of the things that he did. He would ambush me as I was running home from school, I would never walk because that would allow them to catch me and beat the holy hell out of me. He would have his brother wait for me up the street and watch for me, then he would come up and beat me up and then run away telling me how fat and stupid I was. One thing that I learned was that he was consistent, and that he always followed the same pattern. After a while I came to expect the beatings, yet at the same time I was studying the lay of the land as they put it.

After three years of schoold beatings and torments, beatings that would continue into the summer if he saw me by the school or on the street any where near him. I never once said that I hated him, and come to think of it I never did. I did feel sorry for him, because I knew what kind of a house he was coming from, that was eveident from the scratches, black eyes, and casts that he always wore. Not to mention the fact that I had heard someone say out loud once that his mother and father were divorced, and from the spying that I did when he was not aware. I learned a lot about my enemy, and used it against him in a way that people still talk about to this day.

On the fourth year of my schooling I finally found the courage inside of myself to stand up and fight back. I was walking Shishimi home, holding her books for her, and enjoyiung the fact that I was able to find a person that wanted to talk to me. (And the fact that she was a she made it even sweeter) Hakana saw Shishimi and myself walking down the street and he made his move. He had his brother, Hokori, walking with him watching for cars and adults. I don't know if it was the fact that Hakana was at this time evil incarnate or if he got the idea from watching tv or a movie, but Hakana and Hokori made it quite clear what they planned on doing to Shishimi. And what they wanted to do to her is not anything that a child, nor an adult, should ever have happen to them. To show that they were going to have superiority over her they showed her how powerful they were by shoving me to the ground and kicking me. After they each sat over me and beat me with their fists and left their foot prints on my back, and making my face bloody and nearly breaking my nose, they stood up and grabbed Shishimi by the hair and the waist and started to drag her towards the bushes on the side of the road. It was this image that made me ignite inside and stand up and follow them.

I came up behind them and saw Hokori holding Shishimi down on the ground while Hakana was standing over her unbuttoning his pants and unzipping them, he never got any further than that. I saw the tears tracks cutting through the dirt on Shishimi's face, mixing with the blood coming from her nose where they had hit her, and pounced like a tiger. I felt my legs go heavy, my heart started to beat fast, the blood was throbbing in my ears, I shot my hands out and grabbed Hakana by the throat from behind and threw him to the ground. He was struggling for breath when I landed on top of his chest, swingin my fists and hands like a windmill.

The look in his eyes was nothing but terror and surprise, he did not have a clue how to react or anything. He lay there screaming over and over again and again "HELP! HELP! HELP!" Each "HELP" getting more and more weaker and softer as his lips spread out over his teeth, which he eventually started spitting up at me, trying desperately not to swallow them. My knees had pinned his hands to the ground just the way he had always done to me, my fists found his mouth and nose over and over. Blood was spraying out of his mangled nose, he was spitting mouthfuls of teeth and blood up at me, leaving a spray pattern on my face. I had to stop briefly to wipe the blood out of my eyes.

As soon as Hakana started to scream Hokori came running for him, before I grabbed Hakana's throat however, I had kicked Hokori in the balls and sent him to the ground screaming inpain. The whole time that his brother was getting his face rearranged by my hands Hokori was laying in the ground breathing in dust and dirt, choking, his face red. Once he was abe to catch his breath again he stood up and landed a very hard blow to the side of my head that sent me spinning off of his brother. I rolled out of the area that we were in that had been blocked by the bushes and straight on to the yard of Nakagana's property.

Hokori had leapt out and was kicking out at me swearing loudly over and over as his feet landed each kick he shot out at me. I was able to catch one of his feet and throw out to the side and sent him on the ground. I had my feet curled underneath me and my hands were grabbing the grass under them. I must have looked like an animal ready to attack. Hokori stood up and was looking down at me, as soon as he stood I had launched myself forward by unspringing my feet and holding my hands out in front of me. I knocked him down on his back and somersaulted over him and grabbed a handful of his hair and stood up. He had no choice bu to follow me as I walked him out to the middle of the road.

I started to yell for anyone that was home to come outside and watch what happens to people when they try to rape anyone close to me. I saw five faces, all adults that stood there and with their mouths hanging open as they looked at Hokori's face bleeding, eyes swelled shut, and his head being held up by my hand. When I saw these five people I kicked my left foot into Hokori's gut and heard his breath leave his body. He landed on the street with a sickening crunch of bone and blood, I kicked him in the face breaking his nose. Blood sprayed out from his face in a wide fane pattern. It was at this time that Shishimi had come out from the bushes and saw what I had done to Hokori. I picked him back up and threw over Nakagana's fence and left him hanging there, dripping blood from his face and smashed in nose. I walked back to the bushes and dragged out Hakana and made him stand back up in the middle of the street.

"I want everyone to see the face of a bad man. He tried to make Shishimi have sex with him. His brother held her down as he tried to do it to her. For this there is no excuse. For this this is the punishment that you receive from me," with that said I kneed him in balls as hard as I could and then grabbed him by the hair and dragged him towards the fence that his brother was hanging over. I grabbed a foot in each hand and pulled as hard as I could backwards, his nuts were smashed against the steel pole of the fence that his brother was on. I heard Hakana scream and then it faded away as he fainted in a pool of his own blood on the sidewalk.

I walked Shishimi home then, she was only five houses away from this, and her mother saw us walking up the sidewalk and saw what had happened to her daughter. She panicked and started to hit me with her hands screaming about how I hurt her daughter. Shishimi was still inshock and could not say anythng to her mother to make her stop. I turned and ran away from her and was stopped by Nakagana who grabbed me by the arm and pulled me inside of his house. I stood in the cool air conditioning of his front entryway and collapsed on the welcome mat.


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