Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Little About Me

What can I tell you? I am a person that belives in the world. I believe that the world will eventually run out of steam, but not for a few million years, so I am not worried about that at all. I am a person that believes that all people start off innocent and fresh, and that evil is a learned attribute, not a hereditary one. I also believe that children are amazing. I also believe that dogs and cats understand what is said to them, even though they themselves cannot speak. (I of course feel that way about all animals, I chose dogs and cats because they are the most recognized animals). I am also a person that believes in the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If you ask people in my life I have always lived by that belief. I have also lived by the belief that if you do good in the world it will come back to you ten fold, if not more. I have always tried to do my best and help others when they needed the help, hoping that eventually the "Golden Rule" would come through and be victorious once again. That has not always happened, but it has from time to time been the truth. I have, in my opinion, been real lucky in the life that I have lived. It is in no means close to an end, to be honest I haven't even come close to the middle of my living years just as of yet. I have other beliefs as well, some of them border on the strange, some of them on the lame, but they all have one connecting fact to them....I believe that the world can get along just fine if we all recognize that we are all human beings, we all have feelings, and we all need each other. To paraphrase one of my favorite movies and groups, "Everybody needs some body to love." Without that what do you have? You have a life that is filled lonely, sad, depressing, and that will only lead to other thoughts. Ugly, damaging, torturous thoughts. Thoughts that will lead you to do other things, drastic things, like hate. Hate is a word that is small, yet it is one of the (if not THE) most powerful words on the face of the planet. Hate can make you into the ugliest, most vile creature on the face of the planet on which you live. It can turn you into this little green monster ( no prejudice to monster out there if you are reading this, it just so happens that like dogs and cats, you are the most common group on which to hang an association) that wants to do nothing but hurt and destroy everything in your path. Then the next thing you know you fufill one of the little fantasies that you have floating around your head and the world writes volumes upon volumes of history about you and how you led the world down a dark and twisted path of hatred and destruction....that is if you are a charasimatic enough speaker however. Otherwise the world hears about your web of hatred and hurt after you have killed someone or something and decided to wear its skin as clothes, or something just as equally disturbing. I seemed to have veered off of my train of thought for a seocnd didn't I? I was telling you a little about myself. I can use words that will generalize me, however I am a very hard person to generalize, as I tend to go against type for the most part. I can tell you that I am a grandson, a son, a brother, a nephew, an uncle, a cousin, a father, a fiancee`, a widower, a second and third cousin, a step-nephew and step cousin, and I am as you could tell by those descriptive words, a man. As evidenced by the word fiancee` I am in love, with a truly amazing person, beautiful, understanding, graceful, intelligent, loving, kind, and just hot as hell. Her name is Yoshimii (not her real name, just like Yoshiro is not my real name) and I will be marrying her in the near future. How this angel of a woman came into my life is quite the story, and I will get ot it in due time, but for now I have to go. I hope that you read some more later and decide to see what makes me tick, I promise I will do my best to make the stories and lessons that I have learned relevent for anyone who reads them.

First Post

This is my first post on my new blog.
This blog is to go with the new me.
The me that I have become for the better, and for the rest of my life.
I have had quite a journey to get here and I will update this blog with those journeys.
I hope that whoever finds this is able to see that there is a non-judgemental person out there.
I also hope that if anyone else finds this, they get some enjoyment out of it.
This is the beginning of what I am hoping to find will be a self-discovery for myself about what makes me what I am.
And then of course there might be some fun in here as well.
I will try to keep any real names out of the stories just to protect those who do not want to be "outed" so to speak.
